About us

Our great staff

2024 Camp Claret’s administration team

It is important to note that the excellence of our educational project at Camp Claret is due to the fact that many members of the administrative team have been working together as a team for a great number of years. Thus, the accumulated experience of our members working with children is our key to success. 

2024 Camp Claret’s administration team


Charles St-Maurice


Josée Martineau
Lynda Martineau

Activities Coordinators

Julie Morin
Josée Rancourt
Zoé Provencher
Isabelle Trottier
Joëlle Cléroux-Langevin

Material Ressources Coordinators

Étienne Plourde
Julie Morin
Alexandre Gagné-Deland
Jean Lessard

Professional Services Coordinators

Claudie Gagné
Joëlle Cléroux-Langevin

Infirmary Supervisors

Véronique Turcotte
Suzy Plamondon
Isabelle Ledoux

Head of Étincelles

Élodie Marcoux

Head of Jean-Rieurs

Alexie Charland

Head of Claire-Nature

Marianne Plourde

Head of Boucaniers

Laurent Boileau

Most valued strength : Our counselors

A well-chosen staff remains Camp Claret’s most precious asset. Our counselors 18 years of age and over are French-speaking and all Cegep or University students chosen with great care because they are adult role-models for our campers.

An award for excellence

Several criteria are essential to becoming a candidate for the Award: the full one-week intensive training program offered at pre-camp, 8 weeks of work at Camp Claret with campers as a counselor during a same summer as well as 4 progressive evaluations during this time with objectives to be met. When excellence is reached by the end of the summer, the Directors of the Camp will very proudly give an Award of Excellence to the candidate.

This award is very significant and says a lot about the value of the person and the quality of his/her work regarding all aspects of the camp life. This means that the counselor has reached high standards in all of the following criteria :

Parmi les dictons souvent
entendus au Camp Claret :
Ou encore :
  • → Love of children and a quality presence with them
  • → Sense of responsibility
  • → Assimilation and meticulous respect of our safety rules
  • → Technical and professional know-how
  • → Maturity and self-confidence
  • → Team spirit and positive attitude
  • → Initiative, tenacity and work well done
  • → A desire to improve one’s self and high ideals
  • → A total commitment to the Philosophy of Camp Claret and its values
  • → The Counsellor has earned for himself/herself the total confidence of the Directors.

A dream come true

Since 1964, Lake Elgin has been the setting for an extraordinary adventure: Camp Claret, founded and managed for 56 years by Father Carmel Lerma from the Claretian Missionaries.

Camp Claret’s mission is simple: to enable everyone who comes into contact with it to grow, to experience extraordinary team life and to forge unforgettable memories.

Father Carmel’s dream came true after he visited 22 lakes in search of the rare pearl that would enable him to move from dream to reality. Since then, the Camp site has developed into the magnificent wilderness environment it is today.

Father Carmel, founder and director from 1964 to 2019, and Mrs. Pauline Rondeau, director emeritus from 1968 to 2021, have developed a climate of quality and education, enabling all who come to Camp Claret to live the values that characterize it.

Both have received numerous awards for their contribution to the world of camps and their involvement with young people, including the “Torchbearer” award from the Association des Camps du Québec.

Since 2022, a new management team has been in charge of activities, and a Board of Directors has assumed governance to ensure the continuation of Camp Claret’s mission.  Long may the dream so dear to Father Carmel live on!

P. Carmel Lerma 1929-2020
Mme Pauline Rondeau


To create, in an outdoor environment, a climate conducive to the development of children, so that they are enriched by new experiences and become the adults of tomorrow.

Certification and

Quebec camping association

For campers and their parents, certification offers you a guarantee of the services you can expect and it serves as a precious tool in the management of the safety and the quality of its activities.

Since 1961, the Quebec Camping Association has developed substantial expertise regarding camps for children. It is THE reference source for everything affecting Quebec camps, and has acquired considerable credibility among the various parties concerned with recreation, health, education, the family and the media.

In Quebec, more than 150 camps follow the high standards of quality of QCA.

Camp Claret, founded in 1964, was one of the first camps to be recognized when the accreditation program began in 1967.

Since then, every 3 years, the overseers for certification recognize as praiseworthy the conformity of Camp Claret with the high standards of its program relative to security, ratio of campers to adults, well-trained staff, quality of the outdoor education with multiple activities offered, as well as a hearty balanced diet and a much-valued evening program.

Award of excellence : “Coup de coeur des consultants”

Camp Claret is a leader in the Quebec Camping Association Community! 

In 2011, the ACQ recognized the exceptional contribution of Camp Claret in the field of camping and outdoor education for children!

This fact was highlighted in the certification report written up by Mr. Eric Beauchemin, Director General of the Quebec Camping Association.

These were his word when explaining what made Camp Claret exceptional : « par son esprit de camp, la qualité de ses thématiques et de ses systèmes d’émulation bien adaptés aux campeurs et campeuses de tous âges.  Le travail admirable de l’équipe de direction ainsi que la formation poussée des moniteurs ont aussi joué en sa faveur. Le Camp Claret est aussi un excellent exemple de transmission de valeurs durables. »

To read the press release :